I was visiting my daughter as she prepared four young children (two three year olds, one 5 years, and the fourth child, 7 years) to go outside to play. They all knew how to put their jackets on independently and their hats and mittens, as well. Then, she put their scarves around their necks. As I watched, I thought, "If only I could create something that would enable the children to put on their own scarves." Just then, I thought of the solution.

I created a knitted scarf that would make my daughter's life easier. The child just puts the scarf around his or her neck with the ends to the front, inserts one end in the slot at the other end and turns it around to the back of the head. I specifically created it wide enough to cover the child's nose, mouth and throat to protect from the cold.
On one of my cross-country flights, the flight attendant asked me what I was knitting. When I told her, she said, "Patent that." I did obtain a design patent (US Patent Number D486953) and am interested in licensing it.
You can probably imagine how excited I was when I read of Mom Invented's product search. They were looking for a product in the juvenile category that would make life easier and more convenient for parents. It also had to have mass appeal. My scarf fit so perfectly. Then, imagine my dismay when I read that I wasn't eligible because I had already submitted the product to manufacturers.
From the age of two and a half to three years old, my grandchildren and friends have been using the scarves I've made. Other Mom's who see the way a child can put on my scarf without help would just love it. I've always envisioned it sold in Walmart and Target, so that many, many Moms could benefit.