Four years ago I was able to take a 16-day cruise to Rome....definitely a great experience. During that cruise, Princess Cruise Lines offered a program relating to a future cruise. For a deposit of $100 a passenger had four years to utilize the benefits of this program. I was enjoying the cruise so I could easily envision another one in the future. So I paid the deposit. Frankly, I don't remember the specifics of the program and I, unfortunately, was not able to take advantage of the offer made. Last year, I came across the paperwork, which I barely read, and remembered the deposit. My mental response was "Oh, well....my loss."
This past Friday, I received a refund check for $100 in the mail from Princess Cruise Lines. What an honest company. In today's day and age, this is unbelievable, but it happened. A refund from four years ago.
In the future, I want to take a cruise through the Panama Canal. I've always been interested in how things work and I would like the experience of going through the locks. A former co-worker was organizing a cruise to the Panama Canal some years ago. At that time, I could not even conceive of making a reservation in January for an August vacation. He extolled the views of the sunrise at the canal. My interest was piqued but to plan a trip eight months down the road was beyond me. I really had no understanding of what a cruise entailed.
When I took the Rome cruise I made arrangements for the trip two months before embarking. Spending 16 days on the water, walking the track early every morning, seeing the sun rise, enjoying an early breakfast in the lovely sea air, being catered to at every meal and graciously served by every Princess employee was certainly an awakening for me. My days ended viewing the beautiful sunsets followed by "Broadway" type entertainment. It would have been so easy for me take a world cruise.
Even though I have cruised since then on another cruise line, when I do go to through the Panama Canal, it will be with Princess Cruise Lines. Kudos to you, Princess.
Check out my photos at http://www.shutterfly.com/pro/PhotosbyCathi/Scenery