Thursday, August 30, 2012


Brown Pelican fishing for lunch at Fasmosa Slough

My life has been fairly quiet this summer, so I've attached some photographs of birds I've taken at the Famosa Slough and, of butterflies in my daughter's back yard in Clairemont (a neighborhood in San Diego.)  Please note that I'm a beginner, when it comes to nature.  After carefully matching my photos to those of others on the Internet, I've added captions under each.

Western Kingbird

Western Kingbird

Gulf Fritillary in Clairemont, San Diego, CA
  I searched the Internet for hours looking for a match to the photograph of the butterfly to the left.  It has such a distinctive head, I believed that somewhere there might be a photo.   Then, last night, as I reviewed another group of pictures of butterflies.  There was the match I was looking for, a Gulf Fritillary.

Fiery Skipper at Famosa Slough

Monarch in Clairemont, San Diego CA

Same Monarch with open wings

Black-crowned Night Heron

After hearing other bird watchers speak about the Black-crowned Night Heron, I've been looking for it for quite some time.  When I finally spotted the bird yesterday as I walked near the Famosa Slough, it seemed like I was the one being watched.

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