Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Peaceful East and a Stormy West

In a span of a week and a half, I was able to get photos that portray a calm East Coast and a stormy West Coast. 

As soon as my daughter in New York told me that she twisted and broke her leg, I was there 'in a heartbeat'....well, actually not, but close. That occurred in late August.  I didn't have time to wander about the Hudson Valley, as I usually do when I visit, until the last two weeks of October.

A hike up Mt. Beacon in Beacon New York with my grandson was the highlight of my adventures.  We decided to use the 'fire road ' to climb the mountain.  This road is not open to vehicles, but provides emergency personnel a way to the top.  As we entered the area, I mistakenly took the wrong entrance.  It lead to a rock-bed creek next to a trailing waterfall.  Within minutes, I recognized the trail as the one his younger brother had chosen to lead me up the mountain three years previous.  At that time, water was slowly streaming down and he had to assist me so I would not slip on the wet rocks.  We stopped and turned around because I didn't feel safe crossing the waterfall on wet rocks.

This time though, the trail was dry.  The only thing I had to be careful about was not to turn my ankle as I traversed the rocks.  Before long, I realized that since I'm not a hiker, this trail was not the best choice.  We decided to cross the waterfall and head for the 'fire road.' 

Crossed waterfall here
Sample of trail.

 When we reached the waterfall, my grandson had to help me cross.  After carefully navigating the rocks,  I could see the waterfall that actually looked to be a series of about five small ones...a very pretty sight. 


My grandson used his phone (GPS) to locate the fire road and we were soon on our way down the mountain.  These pictures reflect a quiet, peaceful day.  We didn't get to the top of Mt. Beacon that day, so I have no photos of the beautiful Hudson Valley.  I've been told that from the Fire Station at the top of the mountain, you can see New York City, approximately 60 miles to the south.  Perhaps, next year....

The finch shown below was the only visible evidence of wildlife that day.

As we descended, one of the switchbacks on the fire road provided the opportunity to get a photo of the Newburgh Beacon Bridge over the Hudson River.

Now, on the opposite Coast, I have photos of the angry Pacific Ocean.  This past Tuesday night in San Diego, we experienced heavy rains with thunder and lightning.  It's a rare occurrence here.  The thunder persisted for hours with intermittent downpours. 
After this overnight storm, I thought I might get some good photos of the waves.  Camera in hand, I went to a neighboring area in San Diego called Ocean Beach.  The town was bustling with preparations for the Farmer's Market held weekly on Wednesday.  The tables already set up, invited me to stop and look, but I was on a mission.

As I neared the beach, the flock of sea gulls (photo on the right) fighting the gusts of wind were quite a sight.  The man was providing what looked like peanut butter.  Every so often a gull would succeed in getting the food.  I didn't have the same success in getting that shot.

As I expected, the waves were angry.  Hopefully, they would provide some good photos.  Ocean Beach has a very long pier.  Fishermen and tourists alike enjoy it. 

Ocean Beach Municipal Pier


The waves looked furious, but the storm was over.

The photo below resembled a crystal Christmas tree.  As I took it, I was startled by an unexpected spray of ocean water.  My clothing was just slightly wet....a small price to pay for that photo.


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Perhaps by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

The Book of Micah by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Why I Like Donald Trump for President 2016

Since Donald Trump declared his intentions to run for the office of President of the United States in 2016, his detractors have been criticizing him.  First they laughed; then they seemed to deride the thought of a Trump presidency.  I remind them that people laughed at Ronald Reagan, saying that he was only an actor.  Look what he accomplished. 

I think that these detractors are also grasping at straws when they pull apart every statement that Donald makes.  Remember he speaks without notes or a teleprompter.

I’m for ‘the Donald’ precisely because he is a Washington ‘outsider’.   All the other candidates have political ties.  Now, Donald Trump might have ties of which I’m unaware.  However, Donald also has not been schooled in being Politically Correct in his statements and in being ‘quiet.’ (Like shut up and sit down.)  I’ve read that Freshman Congressmen and Senators are told just that, when they speak up.  We need a leader who is not intimidated.  I believe that, like Ronald Reagan, those who want to do us harm would think twice before doing anything with Donald Trump as President.

In my opinion, both Republican and Democratic politicians have lost all common sense.  The Republicans promised anything and everything if elected in 2012.   Where has that gone?  Nowhere!   The Democrats gave us Obamacare.  The original bill was purported to be 2200 pages, which I read.  After reading this bill, I was just plain tired and disgusted. Within this Bill are changes to other statutes.  They may have been changed to comport with the purposes of Obamacare.  Who knows?  We, the People would never know of these other changes without reading and researching the whole Affordable Care Act.  Who even read the Bill before passing it?  Certainly not the Democrats who voted for it and succeeded in making it law.  It’s time for politicians to write and enact bills that address the subject exactly, and only that one subject.   Aren’t we tired of politicians acting like they know better than us?  I’m happy that there are people receiving healthcare who were not previously able.  All people should have access to healthcare insurance, and there could be a better healthcare law, if politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, put their collective and personal agendas aside.

Our freedoms and our rights under the 'original' Constitution, not under present day interpretation by liberals, should be sacrosanct.  The Founders intended our elected officials to respect and maintain those rights.  The President of the United States should protect the ‘original’ Constitution.

Our Military (Active and Retired) must be respected.  We owe our Veterans the utmost of care.  They put themselves in danger to protect us.  We must ensure that they have the best healthcare, perhaps the same as our elected Washington representatives, as well as job opportunities.

Also, in my humble opinion, this Nation is over-regulated.  Experts hired by this Administration and maybe, life-long career specialists in various departments tell American Citizens what they can and can’t do.  Were they elected to anything?  No.  Yet, California suffers from the over-protection of a ‘smelt’ or a special ‘mouse’.  We should be a self-sufficient Nation and because of Washington Politicians we aren’t.  We should be using our own homeland’s natural resources, but the powers that be say “No.”  You could note that this affects your ability to find a good job or improve your salary, if you even have employment.  Now, rules are good things, but over-regulation has caused our lives to be diminished.

We should be protecting our Nation’s borders and allowing only LEGAL immigration.  Because of insufficient protection on our Southern Border, ILLEGAL immigrants from all over the world pour into our Nation, seemingly increased by an invitation from our present President.  From what I’ve read, the Department of Homeland Security has allowed these people to disburse, not to be heard from again unless they kill an American citizen.  We have Sanctuary cities, which harbor ILLEGAL immigrants and defy Federal laws in regard to these people.  Does our present President use his authority to put a stop to this?  Have our representatives in Congress?

This is why I like Donald Trump.  Even if he has friends on both sides of the aisle in Washington, he is not one of them.  Donald is a successful businessman.  I really believe that he does want America to be great again.  It makes perfect business sense.  I think he has the wisdom and experience to create jobs and to work with Congress on improving this Nation.  He would not sell us down the river in any negotiations, which is his forte.  I expect that he would speak out when Congress was not working in the best interest of all American Citizens, not just a few.  In that vein, he knows how to use the best talent.   As President Trump, I hope that he would tap into the pool of Presidential candidates for 2016.   Their experience under his direction could benefit this country greatly. 

It’s time to declare that we are a great Nation and can be even greater under the correct leadership.  No more apologies to the world.  Let’s respect ourselves and lead again.  Let’s remember that every nation on Earth, friend or foe, has benefited from the generosity of our great Nation.

Only Donald Trump, at this time, will be the leader we need for President of the United States in 2016.

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Perhaps by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

The Book of Micah by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ospreys in Flight

I visited Robb Field On May 16 to see how the Osprey family was doing.  Below is a picture of Mom and two chicks.

I receive a daily email from a birder who shared pictures of one of the Osprey chicks or fledglings flying.  Yesterday, May 20, I went to Robb Field to see what I could see, so to speak.  

The female juvenile Osprey (photo below left) came down to the baseball field.  I believe she was the first born.  A little while later the brother came to visit. (photo below right)  I enjoyed seeing them so close.  I could see that the Mother was watching closely from the nest as they sat on the fence, about 10 feet above the ground.

After the juvenile male arrived, they settled down and just looked around.  Some smaller birds came to visit, but Ospreys eat fish, so they just ignored the other birds.

 A birder who has been watching the Osprey's for a number of years decided that the young'ens had been exposed to the humans long enough.  So, he advised me to get ready to take a picture of them in flight.  Then, I supposed he just clapped the fence to cause them to take flight.  I was so busy concentrating on getting a good picture, I don't actually know what he did.  But, the female immediately took flight.  Not being adept at photographing birds in flight, I barely caught a photo of the female (photo below left).  The male didn't respond as quickly, but when he did, I was able to get the photo on the right.

As I walked to the Osprey nest, I was buzzed by some Barn Swallows.  Now getting a photo of them with their swift maneuvers was a challenge.

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Perhaps by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

The Book of Micah by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

Saturday, May 2, 2015


About a month ago, I was walking along the San Diego River in Ocean Beach.  I saw some photographers with very professional equipment taking some photos.  As I passed them, I asked if they had seen unusual birds.  They asked me if I had know about the Osprey nest.  The female photographer showed me where it was.  Of course, the nest rested on the highest light in the middle of Robb Field.  This area is a collection of baseball fields used by the residents and is located along side the San Diego River near where it flows into the Pacific Ocean at Ocean Beach.

The photo below (left) shows that the female left the nest and brought back something to something she seemed to need.  Since the nest is so large, why she did this is a mystery, since they don't usually leave the nest unattended.  I met a photographer who arrived by bike.  As he dismounted, I noticed his camera with a very large lens.  This man gave me some background on the birds.  For the previous two years, the Ospreys had three eggs.  This year there were only two.  The chicks had hatched five days previous to my visit.  Later I wondered how the locals know this, since the nest seems to be about 30 feet off the ground.  This man also advised me that the male does the fishing for food, takes it to his perch about three light poles away.  After the male Osprey has been feasting on the fish for a while, the female begins to call to him and he brings what is left to the nest for her and her chicks.  The man giving me the information, opined that the male is slowly learning.  These birds are monogamous and share responsibility for sitting on the eggs until they hatch.  The photo below on the right shows the mother Osprey sitting on the nest.  The chicks are too small for me to see them.
Female Osprey with something for her nest

Male Osprey
 On my next visit to the field, I could see the mother in the center of the nest with a chick on each side. (left)  That day, the male was perched about two light stands away. (right)

 On my trip to the field last Tuesday, a man passing me on a bike advised me that the chicks are more active early in the morning.  I choose to check on the Ospreys late in the afternoon.  I expected to see them feeding.  I stood there with nothing happening for about twenty minutes.  Then a few heads popped up.  A man with a camera passing on his bike stopped to ask if I was able to see anything just before the chicks popped up in the nest and came into view.  He told me that a local TV station had covered the Ospreys and said that there were five nests around San Diego Bay. He said that he knew of two, one on Shelter Island and the other nest near Chula Vista.  A short while later, I was able to witness the mother Osprey feeding her chicks from a piece of fish laying on the side of the nest (Photos below)  Unfortunately, I think I stretched the camera to its limits in distance resulting in grainy photos.  The male photographers I've met use a very large lens.  Still, watching her feeding her chicks was a special moment.

Mother Osprey feeding a chick

Mother Osprey feeding a chick

I returned to Robb Field yesterday and was able to see one of the chicks trying out its wings.  I saw the chick jumping up and down while trying out it's wings.  It didn't leave the nest though.  Another photographer standing in the field told me that when the chicks are ready to fly, they will move out to the lights beneath them, and then fly to lower light posts near-by.
The mother flew away for a few minutes.  I learned that you can tell it's a female by the coloring around the base of the neck, which looks like a necklace.
Osprey chick trying to jump up and down

Osprey chick trying out its wings

Mother perching on a light below nest

I plan to visit Robb Field soon to see if the chicks are ready to fly.

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Perhaps by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

The Book of Micah by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23, 1977

Photo by Vincent Vitale

Thirty-eight years ago today, we met our seventh child.  Micah Christian was born at 4 lbs 14 oz.  We were advised that he had Down Syndrome and a day later, were told that something was wrong with his heart.  When he was three months old, we found out that he had a very large hole in his heart, which was later found to be no center wall at all.  The Pediatric Cardiologist told us the good and bad blood were separated by a piece of membrane.  He had five times the amount of blood going into his lungs as opposed to circulating through his body.  This was successfully repaired when he was 6 1/2 years old.  However, due to lung damage incurred over those 6 1/2 years, Micah died.

He lived much longer than expected by the medical community.  Micah attended school at Rehabilitation Programs.  At home, he was both a joy and sometimes, an annoyance because of his impish ways.  Micah was certainly loved by his siblings, his parents and many, many friends.

You can read about his life in "The Book of Micah" (see below).

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Perhaps by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

The Book of Micah by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Visit to Famosa Slough

Since my Julian trip, life has been fairly quiet, except for my 8 year old grandson's baseball games.  Today, I walked to the Famosa Slough (San Diego) to see if I could find any migrating birds.  Instead, I was greeted with regulars, which of course are worth seeing.  It was a quiet respite.

When I arrived, the first bird I spotted was a  male Mallard, whose bill looked blue.  The photo of the male and female displays the male's bill as yellow.  The photo shown below on the left shows a bluish tint on the bill.  In every website I checked, experts said the male Mallard's bill is a bright yellow.  Each photo below is of the same male Mallard.  This pair was the only one at the Slough today.  The male Mallard's beautiful colors really stand out.

Male and Female Mallards

American Kestrel
The next bird I found was the American Kestrel, which is a small hawk.  It's head is well defined by two black stripes on each side of its head.  When attending a bird tour at the Slough, others more knowledgeable then I, can spot one faster.  So, today, I was happy it stayed in the same place long enough for me to get a few poses.  The photo to the right is the best.  My camera doesn't have that long a range, so this is what I get.  It's a very striking bird.

As I walked further into the property, there were some sparrows and finches.  I walked along the path and heard the call of a Song Sparrow.  I finally found it, but it was too far from me to get a good photo.

Before I started for home, I decided to cross West Point Loma Boulevard to see what I could see, so to speak.  I was hoping to see a Clapper Rail, a marsh bird that hangs out in the tall reeds.  On one of the tours I attended last fall, I was able to see one, but today, nothing.

As I was intently scanning the reeds with my eyes, I heard the familiar call of a Song Sparrow.  It was so loud it felt like the bird was sitting on my shoulder.  I turned and checked out a small tree behind me. It's flowers had died off for the most part, but there near the top was a Song Sparrow.

Song Sparrow

I did receive an email regarding the sighting of a Yellow-crowned Night Heron at the back of the property near the 8 (Highway).  Since it's far off the main road, I usually only go there when I'm with a bird tour.  It would be great if that bird would spend the month here, but I think it will be on the move.

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Perhaps by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

The Book of Micah by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Trip to Julian

On Saturday, I accompanied one of my daughters and her daughter to Julian, California.  Julian is an historic mountain town east of San Diego in the Cuyamaca Mountains.  On our way, we passed a sign for the D'Anza Borrego Desert.  As I excitedly pointed it out, my daughter advised me that the scenery I was look at, wasn't actually the desert.  It was really beyond the hills we were viewing. 

 Our main quest was to enjoy Afternoon Tea at the Julian Tea and Cottage Arts on Third Street.  When we arrived, we were seated in a cozy room by the window.  The table was set with potpourri of lovely Victorian-style bone china.  I'd describe it as a potpourri because each place setting was different.  We enjoyed comparing and actually switching plates and cups among ourselves.  My 11 year old granddaughter started it by telling her Mom that she was nervous about the thin fragile cup handle.  It wasn't fragile, but something she wasn't accustomed to using.  We started with a raspberry tea.  Shortly thereafter, our finger sandwiches arrived.  Each was delicious.  Following that came our scones accompanied with lemon curd and a berry jam.  We then ordered a Chocolate Chai tea.  I enjoyed that tea best of all.  The last serving was the dessert of tiny little cheese cakes with a cherry on top and chocolate truffles.  Everything was delicious.  If you wanted, you could purchase tea cups or tea cozies displayed on the walls, tea, and in fact, anything and everything you would associate with tea.  I would definitely recommend a trip to the Julian Tea shop.  The food was delicious, the atmosphere was inviting, and the servers were friendly and helpful.   Also, our Afternoon Tea provided me the opportunity to share with my granddaughter, a little family history about my Mom and her love for tea.

After our lunch, we walked to the Main Street.  Julian is a historic mining town with old buildings housing stores and restaurants.  At certain times of the year, it is very crowded with visitors.  I remember visiting there quite some time ago near Thanksgiving.  Julian pies are a great attraction, but there are a number of stores offering a plethora of items such as, clothing, textiles, art, honey, etc.  Today there were many visitors, but we were able to comfortably roam the stores.  Our first stop on Main Street was a candy store my granddaughter remembered.  Then, on to a store that sold collector's items.  Across the street we went to the Cider Mill to purchase honey and purchased some hot apple cider.  After this, my daughter and granddaughter saw a long line at Mom's Pie House and decided to purchase an apple pie.  After dinner, the family had the pie.  My daughter told me that the pie was watery and the family was very disappointed.  Apparently, a good amount of people like that kind of pie, but not my family.

While they were waiting on line at the pie shop, I discovered a very interesting shop next door filled with a wide variety of items.  You could easily spend an hour in that shop, which we did not on this trip.  But, I would at another time.

You can take a ride in a horse and carriage.  I'm including a photo of a horse tied up to a fire hydrant because I think it shows the flavor of Julian, which is very relaxed. 


A trip to Julian is definitely worth your time.

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Perhaps by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

The Book of Micah by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Bully's East

Last night my daughter and I were invited to a party for our friend Marge.  All her friends came together to celebrate her decision to retire from her employment and spend her time on other things.  The party of approximately 15 friends was held at Bully's East in the Mission Valley section of San Diego.  Unfortunately, because of traffic congestion, we were the last to arrive.  One of the other guests advised us that each guest had just shared how they met Marge.  It gave me the opportunity to share how Marge used to give me a ride home from a legal secretarial course at San Diego City College that she taught around 20 years ago.  Many in the room nodded, attesting that Marge's generosity and thoughtfulness was experienced by all.  It seemed to me to be an assent in unison.

When the server came for our dinner order, I chose a Surf and Turf Roll.  The menu said it contained Prime Rib, avocado, king crab and asparagus.  My daughter ordered a hamburger.  When the food arrived, I looked at the sushi on my plate.  I had not understood that it was exactly what I ordered.  When the server came back into the room, I ordered something else.  The sushi might have been very good, but it is not my 'cup of tea' so to speak.  I then ordered an appetizer of Mussels in Belgium beer flavored with fennel, rosemary, thyme and smoked bacon.  As I waited for my new order, I had one of my daughter's steak fries, which was very tasty.  When my Mussels came, the meal was D-e-e-lish. I would return to this restaurant just for that. 

We had one server, Amanda, for the party.  She gave excellent service.  I would definitely recommend Bully's East and intend to re-visit and enjoy another meal.

And I wish Marge, a wonderful retirement.

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Perhaps by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

The Book of Micah by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook)