When I arrived at my daughter and son-in-law's new home, they told me that there was a "Butterfly" bush in the back yard. As I rushed out to take pictures, my daughter told me that there was no rush as the butterflies come and go to the bush all day long. She was soooo right.
As I have three daughters in the area, I move from house to house so as to visit with each daughter individually. This gives me the opportunity to spend more time with the children of each family. It gives me time to attend at least one of their soccer games. Actually, in two of the families, the "children" are teenagers.
There is a new baby with an active two year old in the third family, so I try be more available for them. On one of these visits, we drove to Stoney Kill Farm near their home in Wappingers Falls. I was looking for birds but there weren't any to be seen. As we neared the Manor House, we spotted what I think was a Red-tailed Hawk, possibly a juvenile since only part of the tail was red. I've read that juveniles start out with a white tail that turns red as they mature.
Red-tailed Hawk |
I'm looking forward to walking the trails in Stoney Kill Farm, which is on 9D in Wappingers Falls, NY. I advise checking out their website.
After changing houses to LaGrange, I walked on the Rail Trail north of Gold's Gym and found wild turkeys, not far from Titusville Road. It seemed like there were nine or ten turkeys that quickly hid themselves in tall ground cover. I was tempted to follow them to get a better picture, but the turkeys had entered private property and I wasn't about to do that. Alas....woe is me.
There are more trails to walk and I look forward to what I might find on them.
Meanwhile, fall is coming.
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