Last Saturday, volunteers came together with the Friends of Famosa Slough (in San Diego) to do some clean-up work. This occurs on the second Saturday of every month. They clean up paths and clear away any non-native plants. This was the first time I participated. I didn't help with the clean-up, but covered the sign up table providing information and snacks. During the quiet times, I took some photographs.
I discovered the photo on the left when I downloaded the contents of my camera. I was taken back by the timing of the birds' passage through that segment of the waterway.

I believe these Mallards (left below) are resident and have written about them in an earlier post. The juvenile Black-Crowned Night-Heron shown on the right below was just passively watching the activity. Actually, there were two of them but the other did not photograph well. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, so I didn't tell him (or her).
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