Wednesday, July 26, 2017


I've been suffering from 'writer's block' for some time now.  A friend complained to me last week that when she checked my blog, the posting was old.  I decided to do something about it. When I saw the date of my last posting, I was shocked.  So much time had passed.  But, with my Words with Friends, photography, volunteer knitting of baby beanies for a local hospital, 2 - 3 mile daily walks, checking Facebook, Twitter and my emails, etc....what to do....what to do.

I decided that I could think about all the things I take for granted and those things for which I should be grateful.  I'm always verbally thanking the good Lord for all my blessings, but haven't put it in writing in a while.

When I complained about something a number of years ago, a friend said, "You should be thankful that you got out of bed this morning."  I immediately thought of his massive heart attack.  That statement jolted me into changing my perspective, that is, until I began to take it for granted all over again.  We do many things unconsciously until we're unable for whatever reason.  I guess that's just human nature.  We should be thankful we can see, talk, walk, and generally use all our senses.

This past May I traveled to New York for my grandson's graduation from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts.  Even though it was rainy in Worcester with the cold temperature of 46 degrees, and I had not brought a coat, I was certainly grateful for the opportunity to attend.   My visit seemed to whoosh by me.  While I was in New York, my son-in-law pointed out the baby Robins nesting in behind their basketball backboard.

Being short of stature, this was the best photo I could get.  The baby robins were calling to their mother.  I suspect they were hungry.  However, a short time later, there she was sitting in the nest.

Brings me back to being thankful.  Thankful is a state of mind.  It's a choice.  Instead of concentrating on wants and perceived or real needs, it's best to think about our current situation and choose to dwell on what is good about it.  It's work, I will admit.  Frustration does rear its ugly head, but the practice of expressing gratitude is fruitful.  At least, I'm back to writing.  I still have a host of things I want to accomplish as well as a host of things I'd like to have.  I believe that there's nothing wrong with that as long as I maintain a balanced perspective. Thanks for letting me share.

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Perhaps by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

The Book of Micah by Catherine Hall (on Kindle and the Nook) 

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