Monday, February 24, 2014

Tecolote Canyon

Cedar Waxwings

This afternoon I visited the Tecolote Canyon Visitor's Center, which is located off Morena Boulevard in San Diego.  As I was approaching the Center, I spotted a crow chasing a hawk.  I think it was a Cooper's Hawk and I suspect it may have been bothering the Crow or its nest.

As I reached the Center, I heard some songs that I thought were from multiple types of birds.  Then, I remembered that when this happens, you should look for a Mockingbird.  That's what I did and I found a Northern Mockingbird, just hanging out. I had walked about a quarter mile up the trail.  On the way, I did spot a Western Scrub Jay (shown on the left)

Western Scrub Jay
Northern Mockingbird

Late last month, I heard that someone reported seeing some Cedar Waxwings there. When I was six years old, I received a gift of a large sticker book with pictures of birds.  As the years ensued, I never saw one of the birds, which was the Cedar Waxwing.  I was attending a monthly bird tour when I heard the leader speak about Cedar Waxwings.  I asked where and when she had seen them.  She responded, "Oh ... over there. It was a number of years ago," pointing to an apartment complex parking lot. So, when I read an email stating that Cedar Waxwings had been spotted at the Tecolote Canyon, I decided to visit that area as soon as possible.

Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing

This was a good afternoon for finding birds, including some that were new to me.  I have some research to do before adding more pictures.

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